
#6ゲーム制作への道 Unity Tools Training Project 開始 2日目 どうやらPlaymakerがあれば相当おもしそうw #6 The road to game production Unity Tools Traning Project starts Day 2 Apparently it would be quite interesting if there was a Playmaker w


Anyway, I think it's different if you make it with an engine.


Anyway, the expected usage depends on how to master the API engine and Volt.


But I found it today that I can play anyway if I have a Volt w


Also, if you can read and import APIs using Volt, you can use it quite interestingly.


Anyway, the expected usage depends on how to master the API engine and Volt.


After all, it is clear that the 2D game itself is inefficient itself.


It's a waste of time, making a lot of gras itself is a waste of time.


If it's a 3D object, you don't have to worry about that.


Anyway, I would like to thoroughly study bolts in the future.


Also, Playmaker seems to be easy to use, so I might be able to buy it at this time lol


But it's okay to master it properly after you're in trouble lol



❗️But as far as I can see from the video, I feel that Volt is just a group of C# with Gui.

👍Play Makerはまさにapiそのもの。命令スクリプトで読み出すだけのバッチファイル形式。

👍Play Maker is exactly the api itself. A batch file format that only reads with an instruction script

👍これはやはりPlay Maker買っとくしかないかと思うw

👍I think I have no choice but to buy a Play Maker w


If you look it up, it's about 4,000 yen on sale now.

❗️でもノーコードで行く俺としてはどう考えてもPlay Maker必須w

❗️But as a person who goes with no code, no matter how I think about it, Play Maker is essential w


As you said in the video Volt=C# and Volt=Mouse, it's just C#.


Also, I don't understand the meaning of the first game production video.


❗️Also, if it's Playmaker → Volt → C#, if it's no code, it's 100% impossible without Playmaker w


As far as I can see from the video, PlayMaker was certainly a luxury language that was as friendly as the VB level.

👍VBしか知らない俺は、もう多分Play Makerなしでは使えないと思うw

👍I only know VB, so I probably can't use it without Play Maker anymore lol


I think I know I have no choice but to buy this, so I bought it.


Well, 35.75 dollars = 4277 yen, but if you just need to call api in a high-class language, it's cheap lol


Also, save is absolutely necessary, but next time it will be fine after you are in trouble there lol


I bought 8,200 yen together with Corgi, so I'm going to Unity only now.


❗️Well, action makers will be a pixel art hell, so I don't need it lol


Corgi was a tool for Unity experts, so you may not need it, but whatever w


Anyway, graphics are troublesome, so I'm going in 3D, so I still feel that Japanese people were wrong w


It didn't result in a good result just by having a hard time, but America is still amazing w


It can only be said that it is truly as expected. You knew everything lol.

俺は何も知らない状況から二日目でPlay Maker購入するほど猛者だったとはw

I didn't know anything that I was so fierce that I bought a Play Maker on the second day after I didn't know anything lol


Well, the information age is amazing lol


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I bought PlayMaker, so all I have to do is learn how to use PlayMaker w


 However, it's great that there's no problem at all if you can read api in VB-level high-end languages.


I was a little worried about C#, but now I'm ready.

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