
#4 キーボード基礎練習  音らく論wシリーズ0’  一緒にやれば弾け〜るシリーズw 三日目:1曲通してちゃんとする。 間違えから解放されて楽するw


As of the second day, I think it's probably been more than 3 days.w


But if you look at the date of the blog post properly, it's the third day from 11/6.



Also, since it will not be made into a book, I will write it in the book at the same time.


A year later, I will be able to play hard as my own growth diary, and I'm planning to complete the book. That's wonderful.w


Preparation of base paper format and cover creation leak.w


Somehow, I made it look cool like a comic. w


The English version is troublesome, so I will create it so that I can learn English in upper Japan and lower English as well as this blog.


What I thought after working hard through one song yesterday is that music is a major cause of the rhythm collapse due to thinking, and the main cause of fatigue without mistakes.






●Causes of hard rhythm

・The cause of the rhythm collapse is as soon as the thinking circuit enters.

・I'm too nervous and tired to be afraid of mistouching.



We will build the practice content with this solution and countermeasures.


This problem is serious, and if left unattended, there will only be pain, so early resolution is very important because it will be greatly related to the development as a musician in the future.


Everyone who has quit music once is an experienced person who is the cause of me.


It's an important problem that you absolutely need to think about.





●Infinitly free performance

・Increase the inversion pattern of the guide tone to make your finger smooth and easy.

・Measures against mistones: Easy to make mistakes by adapting scale diatonic.



The guide tone axis itself has great meaning in these two.


Anyway, it's a guide tone axis, so I'm going to take measures against inversion and mistones.


●Inversion pattern of guide tone axis


If you're conscious of non-mistone guide tone


・The guide tone sound of the scale axis is 12(3)457.


If it's simpler and easier, 147 axes.

|chord|137Guide tone|Interval|Key C|




II|V will be a 4-axis on hold + R & 7 change, so you won't make a mistake.

0 件のコメント:


癌細胞? 手の甲の表皮で起こった異変とその後の経過報告。 黒い斑点細胞が表皮に現れ、2つに分裂、そこに根を張ったように皮膚表皮にアザ。

 がん細胞なのかもしれませんが、よくわかりません。 はじめは写真に映らない程の小さな1つの黒い点でした。 そこがチクチクと痛かったので写真に撮ったのですが、撮り方が悪く、何も映らなかったのを覚えています。 その場所が、やがて黒い点が2つに分裂して、痛みを再び感じて、根を張ったよう...