
#3ゲーム制作への道 Unity Tools Traning Project 開始 ゲーム選びとゲーム内容について考える。 #3 Road to game production Unity Tools Traning Project Start thinking about game selection and game content.


No matter how much the Metroidvanian route is, I don't think a wide map is necessary.


It's really a waste of time just walking.


Mario also warps a lot lol


I hate Sonic because he just walks a long distance.


Metroids also have a wide map, so it's a waste of time just to go back and forth, and honestly I hate it because it's long.


I think vampires and Makaimura are moderately large w


After all, the map of the mystery solving ants is moderately large, not a game that wastes time like round trips, but moderately large.


You can quit right away and play right away.


Games that just waste time make me unmotivated lol


In search of the ideal that this kind of thing is good, it's not a waste to lose lazy or just time. I want to make it a little fun even for a short time lol


I want something that can be quit as soon as it's done lol


But it's an action game that won't get bored.


I feel that there are overwhelmingly few such things.













For the time being, I'll write down the ideal game in my long-standing video game life.

・Fields with moderate size

・It's just something that moves forward.

・There is no time loss, round-trip system is not allowed, and the system that goes back to the drawing after death is also not allowed.

・ I don't remember the map.

・I also want puzzle elements.

・Elements that you can be absorbed in without getting bored.

・You can play in a short time, and you can quit right in the middle.

・What you can play as many times as you want even if you clear it

・The lazy type is not allowed.

・What I enjoy playing with myself

・It doesn't die in one shot. barometer doesn't die easily.

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