

スーパーコンソールの8割がクソゲーですが、それでも素晴らしいゲームがたくさん入っていまして、 本当にすごいのですが、探すのが大変。

80% of the super consoles are fucking games, but there are still a lot of great games in it, it's really amazing, but it's hard to find.


Like the PS1 Classic USB, there are a lot of them, but I didn't know how to find them, so I left them alone, but this article is wonderful.



If you open or play such a premium product, the value will decrease at once, so it's expensive to keep them unopened and have a very beautiful one. Collector value is something like that w It's new and unopened and won't deteriorate, and it's worth the new state, so you can't play w


But I think it's easy to do pachimono and counterfeit products, so how do you tell them apart? W Well, I'm sure he's making a new one somewhere lol


After all, it's worth the premiere, and the game content is actually interesting w


I'm surprised that there was such an interesting game.


So I think it's a good idea to look for a game with premium value w


However, I really have a lot of this type of pachimono hardware, and even if I have a pretty good game, I still buy them, so I think it's really crazy w

But well, if the remake is evolving, I'll buy it lol

However, even if you give them old games, the children nowadays don't do anything.

The reason is the same as I don't play any previous games before NES lol

Mark III is also Gilya Lanai w

I don't really do NES lol

If the screen is dirty, you can lose your motivation lol

Isn't it stimulated? I'm not sure, but I somehow understand that I'm not interested in different generations at all.

After all, I'm the 16bit generation, so I won't do anything less than 8bit w

So, from the current child's point of view, it's true that the current PS4 or less and below the switch are just garbage w

What is it?

It's not so bad if you try it, but the character doesn't do it anyway, like a flogger with rough monochromatic dots.

I know that there were good works of Pyuta, invaders, floggers, etc. when I was in the lower grades of elementary school, but even children are not interested at all, and the initial dot games are probably for people older than me at that time w

So, if you excavate it, make a remake-like work as an inspirational game, and sell it with a switch, I think it will be quite easy to hit w

Anyway, if the generation is different, I can't touch it at all w It's too depressing to actually do arcade transplant works and it's garbage level w


Actually, I want to play with the current hardware now, remakes, things with beautiful screens, things with balanced tonality, etc. It's not the time of development, but the world of games that I want to play what I am now w

In the past, there were a lot of failures due to console porting, but now it's the era of reverse remakes, so I'll make the original even better and make something amazing.

The idea is to develop the old game, so I think many gamers in the world are probably looking for an evolutionary version from there lol

Old games don't have any value in that, but it's a treasure trove of human ideas and assets, so it's pretty easy to just respect such idea assets and predecessors and further develop the work.

But I wish I could program lol

Well, now is also an era where you can make it really easily, and it will be easier in the future, so I'm looking forward to many remakes and inspired works w

Now, there is an action game Maker, so it's actually amazing, so if you look for something like that, I think there are quite a few places on a chord basis, but I don't know much about it, but 0 start is absolutely impossible, so it's better to stop w, so Maker is essential w


Other tool software similar to Maker

There's been quite a lot for a long time lol
All indie games are made using these.

I need some programming knowledge, so I need to study it, but it's not a zero start, so it's pretty easy w

In fact, all the old games were made by Maker, so it's similar.
And now it's a tool that this action game Maker is also used by professionals.
After all, you need to become a pixel art craftsman, but w

The grand prize game is great as expected lol
Even with this level of quality, it's impossible with dot games at that time, so now it's an era where you can do a lot of amazing things with ideas w

And I don't think I'll do it because I'll lose a huge amount of time lol

But it's one of the things I want to do lol


Actually, games like Metroidvania are popular after all, but at that time, there were some that were too complicated to make them, but now 2D metroids are remade and very popular, so I think that's the route after all w

However, if you do Metroid 1 now, the map is just wide due to repeated loop processing, so it's troublesome and I don't feel motivated at all, so I don't think I'll play games at that time after all w

Well, just because Zelda is popular, do you do the original Zelda? I mean, I don't do it first lol

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