
#8 キーボード基礎練習  音らく論wシリーズ0’  一緒にやれば弾け〜るシリーズw 本日8日目:リハモ 3歩進んで2歩下がるそれが凡人学習法です。


Go three steps forward and take two steps back.


That's what ordinary humanitarian is lol


Geniuses can run, but ordinary people forget with more and more amazing momentum, it ends only with knowledge, so I think it's the best way to learn 3 steps forward and take 2 steps back w


It won't be difficult if you can make a full change of infinity and remote tone, which is a relationship tone in two weeks.



1Root dur


遠隔調:dur b7b34=moll145


1Root dur

Infinity: 145dur, 623moll

Remote control: dur b7b34=moll145



If you walk up to 3 steps, you will take 2 steps back, so I'll go back.


It's from the proxy code, secondary reed minant, and back code that I learned at the beginning of rehab, but it's hard because you can use the same rehabiliary code in close and remote tone w


・This is used for ReHarmonize textbook.


This book is very easy to understand, I think it's a pretty good book.

The Water Is Wide原曲のシンプルコードからさまざまなリハモの使い方を実践的に書いてある本は珍しく、すごい勉強になり、とても参考になり、そしてわかりやすい。

A book that practically describes how to use various rehabilihamo from the simple chords of The Water Is Wide original song is rare, it is a great study, it is very helpful, and easy to understand.


I think it's a wonderful book.

そして練習曲もこの本の通りThe Water Is Wideで練習していきますw

And I will practice the etudes with The Water Is Wide as shown in this book.


That's the easiest to understand w

原曲Key Fですが、書籍はCチェンジしてますので、旋律も4度下がります。書籍の14、15ページ、22、23ページ参照。
It's the original song Key F, but the book has changed C, so the melody also goes down 4 degrees. See pages 14, 15, 22, and 23 of books.










・Proxy Chord

・Doble Dominant

・Back Chord(AXIS)



・Sub Dominant minor



It's written in that order, so I'll do it all.


Of course, all rehabilickets can also be used at the tuning destination, so it's hard w


I will definitely memorize it one by one.


Of course, what you remember is the minimum unit, so it's a guide tone axis.


Then, first of all, I will go back from the proxy code and practice properly.

Right Hand:Rootless shell voicing =Guide Tone

Left Hand:Bass Line


First of all, I will do rehabilitach training with this.


The right hand cord plays while thinking about inversion so that the top note becomes a melody, but don't forget the AB change pattern of Rootless theory.

左手のBass Lineは初めは135だけで15、アルペジオ、慣れてきたらクロマティックに動きます。

The Bass Line on the left moves at first only 135, Arpeggio, and when you get used to it, it moves chromatically.


I've been doing this book every day for a while, and it's rehabilitating training.

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 がん細胞なのかもしれませんが、よくわかりません。 はじめは写真に映らない程の小さな1つの黒い点でした。 そこがチクチクと痛かったので写真に撮ったのですが、撮り方が悪く、何も映らなかったのを覚えています。 その場所が、やがて黒い点が2つに分裂して、痛みを再び感じて、根を張ったよう...