
死後の世界とは何なのか? 考えたことも無かったので、調べてみました。 What is the afterlife? I had never thought about it, so I looked it up.


I also experience the afterlife, or what is it? I don't know, but I was taught w What does that really mean? I have no idea lol


What on earth does it mean to die? I don't know that at all.


When I looked it up on the Internet, this video was very interesting and many search results were displayed.

「立花 隆氏リポート 臨死体験」

"Takashi Tachibana Report: Near-Death Experience"


I think these contents are handed down and very valuable.





This content is for the first time today to know, and look at the candid impressions, very good content.


This content is for the first time today to know, and look at the candid impressions, very good content.


I don't know what you have in the human brain input in advance, but if you see it as a vision, if it's not a dream, it's denied.


Anyway, it's interesting that everyone has the same content, and I have no choice but to think that there is a world after death.


And what I can actually hear is what I always hear is what I am seen and that I am a spirit, but there are really various types of people in such people.


And as for the brain, it's an extremely dangerous study, and why did you always have such an experience? I didn't know, but I experienced danger and somehow such an experience for several months.


And it's similar to the fact that the mountaineer didn't always forgive anyone in front of me, so it's hard, but he kept walking.


It's really the same.


And the values of life after that changed drastically. I agree with that.

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