
Middle way is Verb. English study.

English grammar is SVC、SVO、SVOO、SVCO.
Verb is Center.

English Middle way is verbs.

Verbs is very important.
Verbs type are 2 type and plus.

be verb and general verb.
And plus are auxiliary verbs.

Verb grammar are 2type.
auxiliary verb and verb.

auxiliary verbs are do,be,have.

・be verb
現在形 過去形
1人称 単数 am was
複数 are were
2人称 単数 are were
複数 are were
3人称 単数 is was
複数 are were

Be verbs are "am,are,is" and "was,were" and "be,been,being".

begin start use be verbs and auxiliary Verbs set. 

・auxiliary Verbs
will 強い意志
would 控えめな意志
can 実現可能
could 実現可能かわからない
may 妨げるものがない
might あり得る
shall 何かを負っている
should 義務感
must 強制

big fat cat book English grammar are AB type box and Verb.
A box is Subject.
B box are Object and Complement.
and verbs and appendix.

appendix are "again" and "times" and "place".

begin start English study is simple grammar.

verb are 2 type "→" and "=".
equal = is be verbs.

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