Bb Ⅱ Super locrianは、Eb Pentatonic (3th、11th、5th、7th、Root)
Cm Ⅰ Super locrianは、F Pentatonic (11th、5th、13th、Root、9th)
Ab Ⅲ Super locrianは、Db Pentatonic(b9th、3th、11th、b13th、7th)
Eb Ⅵ Super locrianは、Ab Pentatonic(b13th、7th、Root、3th、11th)
Out Voice :N3度から始まるPentatonic
Cm Ⅰ Super locrianは、E Pentatonic (N3th、#11th、b13th、N7th、b9th)
Cm7はC Super Locrian(BCDEbFGA)
Cm7はBb Super Locrian(ABbCDbEbFG)
Fm4はF Super Locrian(EFGAbBbCD)
Ab7はDb Super Locrian(CDbEbEGbAbBbC)
Ab7はAb Super Locrian(AbABCDEF)
G7はG Super Locrian(GAbBbBDbEbF)
G7はC Super Locrian(BCDEbFGA)
1) Press the [PERFORMANCE] button and select your desired performance.
2) Press the [EDIT] button to access the Edit Screen.
3) Press the [1-4] buttons to select the different Parts within the Performance that you want to edit.
4) Press [F4] to go to the Output Tab.
Pan the desired Part all the way to the left to assign it to L Output,
and pan a Voice all the way to the right to assign it to the R Output.
6) Press the [STORE] button, once the panning is set, to save your changes to the desired Performance.
7) Press the [ENTER] button twice to confirm your STORE command