
21st century sound global english.

last month. English book bought 17 books for 13,566 yen.
I bought english leaning books.

21st century sound global english.
English is the tool of communication.
language is tools.

no mind prounciation,no difficult word,no idiom, no word talk.
non native not kwon idiom,difficult words.I am not kwon.w
global english is simple word, simple grammar english.

21st century many english books are image leaning impotarnt,illastration,manga.

19st century U.K english, 20st century U.S english, 21st cantury global english.
global are middle east arabian,Asia indian chinese,far east we are.

how to indian method.

★global english are verbs.
AB box is grammar S,O,C. and [verb]

・sound verbs. A(S) [sound verb] = B

・find verbs. Who (S) [find verb] A = B

・give verbs. Who/What (S) [give verb] man/object

★preposition illastration

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