
English study simple 3 words grammar.

many books bought many verbs how to use kown.
but understanding is not enough.

simple english is 3 words grammar SVO,SVC.
no more need english reference books.

later lite simple english.
at the beginning remember 2 words subject and verbs.

・subject 4 choice.SVO
2.object:The books,the store,my job,hot summer
3.movement:verb ing,verb object
4.this:this,that,tihs Subject

but 2 type is very important.

・Verb Subjet 2 choice Verb

1man&2object who/what [sound],[give]

1man who [find]

・5 type communicate. assemble sentences.

1.man tell action
2.man tell emotion
3.object tell action
4. tell condition,causal relationship
5. tell previous continued

・assemble sentences.
1.tell 5type choice
2.Subject 2type choice
3.Verb 3type choice

simple global english is communication.
language is communication tools.

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